To do that we have to be able to except it and that way we can get past whatever we where being held back from. Most people don't know how much power that they have until someone helps them clear their fog away. Going into the new year we should all try to carry what we learned whether it be good or bad. For me I feel that there is nothing that is wasted. Sometimes you honestly have to learn how to embrace all the madness until its silence and then just maybe you could see that picture clearly. This year gave me so much and sometimes gifts come in there rarest of forms. It showed me that family is something that family doesn't always mean that you have to be together. Life is what you make of it and your family is too. So my children are the ones that I have most access to so I choose to love them harder and learn from them like I never did before. Not that I couldn't learn from them before but after having so much thrown at you, sometimes you can get sidetracked on what is suppose to matter the most. I'm sure throughout the 365 days we have you got sidetracked at least once.
So can you see inside of your 2016? Share with me... what does it look like? If you don't like what you see.. change whatever your do it now to get a positive future. I know life can be crazy but if you can sit and give your self alone time, think about what your purpose is. Close your eyes and think about it.. put it into existence and make it happen! I'm such a Napoleon Hill fanatic and he talks about having a definite of purpose. It is stated in Think and Grow Rich to "Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire and begin at once, whether you are ready or not, put this into action." Sometimes we make excuses for almost everything but next year will be something that can have the brightest outcome if we start right now! Happy New Year and 2016 will be a new beginning for all. You can do whatever you put your mind to, in 2016 only thing that can stop us is ourselves.
Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. It is far better take things as they come along with patience and equanimity.
Carl Jung
What a beautiful post Candace! I loved every word. You are one amazing chick you know that? When I read pretty much anything you write, your heart and spirit just jumps right out of my computer. You are a gift. Don't ever forget that. xoxo