Friday, November 20, 2015


Face.Everything.And.Rise! Everyone comes across a obstacle that can hold them back from the other side in life. Thinking back to all the things you could have done, does it scare you that life's beauty is a flight or train ride away? Personally, after three kids and a husband life should have been seen already. Although, The topic of fear is pretty fierce and should something beautiful be behind the door that you stand in front of, that might trigger its defense system to full blast. Napoleon Hill states that the only true fear is fear itself! I don't think that there could be a truer statement in reference to this subject. Do you agree? There is so much opportunity in this world but we are infected by fear and what if's. Could you imagine if  Thomas Edison gave up and was afraid to ignore the negative voices after sleepless nights and unlimited attempts for making the light bulb work?  What would 2015 look like? I'd imagine other than sun and moon light, our world would be a pretty dark place. That's just my opinion, but you get the picture. He raised over the nonsense of others words and took his last good swing  is known for all over the nation. So fear was pushed to side and for the benefits to our lives for those to come!


"Be courageous! Whatever setbacks America  has encountered, it has always emerged as a stronger and more prosperous nation...."

"Be brave as your fathers before you. Have faith and go forward"  

Thomas Alva Edison"    

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