I want to start off with a quote from
Greys Anatomy "
Hold up your head..enter the arena, face your enemy, fight until you can't fight anymore. Never let go and never give up. Never run and never surrender; Fight the good fight. You fight. Even when it seems inevitable...that your about to go down swinging." Shock is something that may sound like a bad thing, but we can think of it as a protection shell. Throughout life we go through our own daily struggles. A trauma happens to us in my opinion to let us know that the worse has not taken over. It shows that we are human and still have souls under our flesh. I guess it's God's way to show us that we're alive and blood still flows within our blood stream. The realist of events has the craziest way to show us how much strength that we indeed have in us. When you come across real events in life, it comes across as painful but it can build you to be unstoppable. Sometimes we can be thrown and fall off track but take a deep breathe, stop and think of what is being done and how this can benefit and build your future. There is an old saying that God won't give you anything you can't handle. As we push our babies out, deal with that difficult task, learn what betrayal looks like and so much more..... sometimes we can only see the ugly side of what's presented to us. Instead of thinking why is this happening to me, thinking "how will this strengthen me?" The way that we train our minds are the results we get throughout life. Take that thing you thought would break you and let it make you.
When dealing with people, let us remember we are not dealing with creatures of logic. We are dealing with creatures of emotion, creatures bustling with prejudices and motivated by pride and vanity. -Dale Carnegie
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