Why does everyone use this word? For more than a decade the word has lost its meaning to the most severe extent. Does it mean that humanity has seriously lost hope? To see women downgrading to fit in is truly a questionable act that stays in my mind. Women that have the prettiest faces seem to be hurting the most. Great definition of no self love..This should never be so, love originally had more of a meaning. Looking in the dictionary at the word its described as an intense feeling of deep affection, a person or thing that one loves; feel a deep romantic or sexual attachment to (someone). There's so many definitions for "l.o.v.e", yet we do not know what it is! How can this be right,? this seems to make no sense. A man tells a woman "I love you", or "I love you" from a mother to her child, this is a form of true love in my opinion. But what happens when it isn't? We use that word so freely now .. Its' amazing and not in a good way. Now if you walk into a high school you hear people saying it with no meaning behind it, what so ever. So, when thinking about the word love...what is the first thing that comes to your mind? Does it involve sex or money? Is love when someone buys you that special shiny box gift with that big pretty bow on top? How about the controlling love? "If you do what I say, then that means you love me." This one seems kind of stressful, doesn't it? I don't know about you but depending on the person, love can cost far too much and will leave you with anxiety, depression and other things you can live without. Although, love is not supposed to cost anything.
Love is a feeling, an emotion, something you can not see. If the "
L.O.V.E" that your experiencing has you drained a majority of the time, odds are that is NOT for you! Should your "
love" mean you have to sacrifice your happiness all the time, that's probably a fraud. Does this sound about right?
Love is a feeling, an emotion, something you cannot see.
Love never should hurt you emotionally or physically.
Love should not be described as a negative thing because it's not. Right? The child that grows confused because the perspective of love is being abused or unfaithful or worst. When the word love comes to me.. I think the
L is for the language that you and the opposition speaks in.
O is for remembering the original platform in which everything started.
V is or the various times you could have turned away but didn't. The letter
E in love is for the intense feeling of ecstasy when knowing that it is given to you.
Love isn't something you find, love is something that finds you ~Loretta Young